Monday, February 2, 2015

GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUUUUUYYYYSSSSS!!!!! I was at and amusement park today and I met a one direction tribute band (that had a few flaws) but were totally sweet and adorable and we jumoed a chain just so i could get a hug from CJ (the boy playing Niall) They were so amazinggggggg!!!!!!! Ill give their instas below for and curious peoples and put up pics too (of course) ready aaanddd:
Louis----- mrmichaeljdotclark
Niall----- cjmarsini
Harry----- ayojessiemayo
Zayn----- joellibedny (i think)
<a href="" target="_blank">games for girls</a>

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hello friends. im sick. but hey the tour started yesterday and now i back to having a miniscule life. yeah. sorry for the short post. im too sick...---Fangirlxx

Saturday, March 8, 2014

HELLO MY LOVELIES!!!! I have not been online for a while aha.. Aparently Harry is dating Alison Mohart.. and collaborating with Kodaline.. am I like being annoying by bringing you old news or??? Im sorry i havent been online for two whole weeks.. -----Fangirl

Saturday, February 15, 2014

HIIIIIIII!!! My feet are really cold! Haha yeah... anywaaaays,.... I asked Niall to be my Valentine this year... response- still pending. Ill be y'all's Valentines this year! No takers? Ok then... Well this ones gonna be short cause I've got no inspiration... No news on nothing. Blah Blah Blah..  Well theres these two girls on Tumblr that you NEEEEED to follow cause theyre absolutely amazing and they write amazing fanfiction. Heres the link: they are Holly and Bianca and I worship them!! Please go follow them! They are alo on wattpad here: So go follow them up ad be sweet! Remeber; refresh not replay ------Fangirl

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Heyyyyyy! So today I was at the grocery store and my baby (ok not so baby) brother dragged me over to the magazine stands. Turns out he was dragging me to some 1D magazines and/or magazine featuring the boys. I could only get one so I chose Tiger Beat, BECAUSE because because it had "BIG 1D NEWS" on the cover. Three big rumors busted.
1: 1D are NOT moving to the US... sadly
2: 1D are NOT getting a reality tv show....yet
3: Hendall (Harry and Kendall) semi confirmed and Narbara (Niall and Babara) unconfirmed
So yeah.. ALSO in the theme of the Where We Are tour, this is the Where I Am tour //post//
Here I am on youtube: i have only 2 videos up but im working on a top secret third video thats not so secret and its really exciting //but only to me//
Here I am on wattpad:  i recommend reading Dear One Direction: Heres The Truth if you read any of my books
Here I am on Polyvore: if you dont know what polyvore is its basically where you create outfits like this one i made today;
Lastly I will make a polyvore outfit for the first person to comment on one of my posts and you have to give me the boy the place and color(s) but colors is optional kk lots of love from-----Fangirl
(ok shes not 1D but a real fan would know who she is ok? ok.)(and also isnt she just the CUTEST LITTLE THINGGG) (and lastly IM LIKE AWWWWWWW)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hello my friends! No i am not dead. I did get grounded though. Anyways, if you didnt know TODAY HARRY STYLES TURNS 20!!!! Hes so grown up omg... well he's grown up age wise. His maturity level hopefully wont ever change. So today to celebrate i made this: if anyone out there could get Hazz to see this id just die! And this post is COMPLETELY dedicated to him. Harry if you ever see this, you are the most amazing  person ever with a really big heart and your beautiful. I hope you dont ever hate your self or believe what the haters say, because its not true. I cant go on with this post because im crying. In a good way but still. Lots of love-------Fangirlxx

Monday, January 6, 2014

hi people. i have decided to cut my posting down to Saturdays only, unless something big is happening. im sorry but my school schedule is too much. i wish i could post more this breaks my heart..--A Very Upset Fangirl